we use Intel xeon gold 6230r
Most Popular
Extra Small
For getting started
per 30 days
- 280 mb ram
- 0.21 vcore cpu
- 700 mb disk
- 1 backup slot
- Low support
- 7 days free
Most Popular
Best For hobbyist developers looking to showcase their side projects.
per 30 days
- 400 mb ram
- 0.3 vcore cpu
- 1 gb disk
- 1 backup slots
- Better support
- 4.9 days free
Best for most users
per 30 days
- 1 gb ram
- 0.7 vcore cpu
- 3 gb disk
- 3 backup slots
- Better support
- 41.9 hours free
Custom Pricing
30 Days: $0.0
Hourly: $0.00
all our services having same specs have the same pricing